Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

My Prociding Kesehatan Mental (visiting seminar Univ.Kebangsaan Malaysia)


Dewa Ayu Eka Purba Dharmatari

Students of Post Graduate Professional Clinical Psychology Program
Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta

ABSTRACT: Mental health is the realization of a genuine harmony between psychological functions and the creation of adjustment among individuals with itself and its environment based on faith and piety and aims to achieve a meaningful and happy life in this world and the hereafter. If healthy mental achieved, then the individual has the integration, customization and positive identification of others. In this case, individuals learn to accept responsibility, be self-sufficient and achieve integration behavior. Healthy psychiatric extremely difficult to defend, so many people suffering from mental disorder problem that, if not get a suitable way out then it could be the person's mental disorder. So all human beings experience pain and healthy duality. physo education for the provision of mental health information can be a strategic move to prevent the occurrence of mental disorders and public health can realize a comprehensive and holistic physical, mental, social and spiritual.

Keywords: mental health, physo education, holistic health society


Health conditions that are being experienced in the world is the transformation and change of the number of complaints to be non-infectious diseases or mental disorders infections accompanied by other diseases. This is caused by several factors such as lifestyle, people's behavior, and lifestyle content value itself. As an illustration, life is dominated by career a priority in life where if the pattern of life in a society focused on a career that eventually there will be a period of saturated and eventually leads to stress which can interfere with a person's mental health.
In Indonesia, the prevalence of a population that has a mental health disorder in achieving 185/1000, which ideally when the prevalence of a population exceeding 100/1000 the population can be classified as a population that deserves full attention to mental health issues. According to prevalence data points are scattered in various provinces in Indonesia, such as in Aceh and on Java illustrate the extent of the health problems that occur at this time. However, when viewed from the aspect of social welfare and quality of life of its people, Indonesia has increased compared to 10 years ago where it indicates the government has begun to undertake and carry out preventive efforts and treatment related issues above. Some research suggests that welfare has a relationship with psychosocial problems and behavior. In Indonesia, people are more and more stress.
The importance of the discussion of mental health and psychosocial problems are due to the fact the current prevalence of mental health disorders in the world has reached 25%, and 40% of it is the fault of the diagnosis and ultimately lead to spending money for various purposes that are less essential and appropriate. Where the majority of these patients are adults and dating with physical complaints where there is no previous history of mental disorders. For example, a patient aged 45 years who went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pain, flu, sore, and felt terrorized by certain parties, then as doctors focus more on the flu and so were diagnosed as Rheumatoid, Arthtritis, then the patient must pay for various diagnostic tests and treatment for many years and did not go away. After the patient tries to consult psychiatrists found that the patients had a diagnosis of mental disorders. The above sample obtained from the importance of mental health and psychosocial issues in the community to support the realization of a good health system.
Based from the realization that mental health was apparently very influential in the development of the health world today then made policies to manage and overcome such problems with the main objective to deal with mental health issues faced by people at all levels of health care. The main objectives is found also that more specific goals that early detection of mental health disorders, treatment that is right, and that an effective referral system from all levels of health care. For this reasons WHO (World Health Organization) appealed to developing countries where Indonesia is one of them, to improve system services against harmful health.
Of  all the explanations above, it can be concluded that the issue of mental health disorders in the world, especially in Indonesia and especially in Yogyakarta is an important issue that must be addressed so as not to impede the realization of Indonesia's health and the world as a whole. Where handling and effort that can be done is to conducts facilities throughout the area starting from the health center levels to the higher levels, and the provision of basic information on important health issues will be considered important as a preventive aid to fight the government's effort to empower communities in a holistic manner.

Mental hygiene refers to the development and application of a set of practical principles are directed to the achievement and maintenance of psychological elements and the prevention of mental disorders or possible timbulanya malajudjusment. Related to mental health (1) how we think, feel the daily life, (2) how we see ourselves and themselves and others, and (3) how do we evaluate the alternatives and make decisions. As with physical health, mental health is very important for every phase of life. includes mental health efforts to cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions.
The mental health from good to bad, and everyone will experience it. not a few people, at certain times of experiencing mental health problems during her life span. Mental functions such as thoughts, feelings, attitudes, views and beliefs of life, should be able to help each other and cooperate with each other so that it can be said that the existence of harmony keep people from feeling free and protected from anxiety and inner conflict (conflict).

A.    Avoid the Mental Disorder
Zakiyah Daradjat (1975) a distinction between mental disorders (neurose) with psychiatric illness (psychosis), namely:

1.      Neurose still see and feel the difficulty, psychosis not otherwise taxable.
2.      Neurose personality is not far from reality and still live in the reality of nature in general. whereas psychosis kepribadiaannya hit from all sides (responses, feelings / emotions, and impulses) are disturbed, no integrity, and he lives far away from the realm of reality.

B.     Able To Do Self-Adjusmnet
Self-adjustment is a process for obtaining / needs (needs satisfaction), and coping with stress, conflict, frustration, and certain problems with certain ways. A person can be said to have a normal adjustment if he is able to meet the needs and overcome the problem fairly, do not hurt yourself and the environment, as well as the corresponding with religious norms.
C.    Harnessing the potential maximum
Mentally healthy individual is able to exploit its potential, in activities in a positive and constructive for the development of his qualities. use it as in learning activities (at home, at school or within the community), working,
organizing, developing hobbies, and sports.
D.    Achieved personal happiness and others
Mentally healthy person displays behavior or response-response to the situation in meeting their needs, provide a positive impact for themselves and or others. He has a principle that does not sacrifice the rights of others for the sake of their own destiny at the expense of others. Any activity aimed at achieving happiness together

A.    Kancah Orientation
Gilangharjo is a village in the district Pandak, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This village has a ± 726 acres, consisting of 15 and 91 RT. The fifteen villages include: Dusun Kadisoro, Dusun Jodog, Dusun Karangasem, Dusun Daleman, Dusun Jomboran, Dusun  Kauman, Dusun  Kadekrowo, Dusun Bongsren, Dusun Ngaran, Dusun  Karanggede, Dusun Gunting , Dusun Depok, Dusun Tegallurung, Dusun Banjarwaru and  Dusun Krekah. The population of the village in 2009 Gilangharjo is comprised of as many as 16 390 4653 households.  Gilangharjo village has a variety of potential tourism are among the golden triangle area of ​​ Bantul, Yogyakarta is Gabusan, Manding, and Tembi. Village location is only about 45 minutes from the center of the city of Yogyakarta. With the motto of the Village "Walk Unison Towards Independence". With the motto of the village must make its own paradigm in the community in order to empower the youngest starting with yourself first, then family and villagers in general.
While the work of our practice is in Dusun Bongsren. Dusun is the   views of the community in general economic activity, the majority of farm workers and building livelihoods are certainly many who are below the poverty line. Nevertheless, population dynamics coming from different backgrounds and different disciplines assortment of course coloring is very influential in people's lives and livelihood patterns. Bongsren is divided into four tring tring I consisted of RT 01, RT 02 and RT 04, then kring II consisted of RT 05 and RT 06, then to third Kring  include RT 03 and RT 07 IV covers only. And each headed by chairman, as well as the bevy of women and youth of Bongsren also divided into four tring each led by their respective chairman tring itself. Mapping community through sharing tring is done to facilitate the coordination of any and all activity in the Bongsren

B. Observation

Based on the observation, communication and psychological conditions of the citizens can be demonstrated by the following circumstances Bongsren citizens generally quite open to his situation, acceptance of people towards the new people very well, most residents greeted with a smile and a greeting when I see a light in the road and bumped into dusun, communication with residents through activities via social gathering, health posts and quite effective early childhood, when there is a problem people often talked with neighbors who could be trusted, it appears there are some people talking about a single citizen with other citizens, some residents seemed very happy and excited when approached his house, indicated by an intimate conversation with someone who just met.
C. Interview
Based on the interviews that have been conducted with the head of  Dusun Bongsren that says "the life of the people here can say it walk naturally, without any serious problem that is effected their life" a heterogeneous society caused quite compact and complement each other. However, the Dukuh’s Master  also said that some of their peoples in several RT experiencing mental health problems to be stressed, such as the following "There is people mental disorders in RT 01, not far from here there is also people wih mental disorder, he was young man, his house ner  the tomb, on top of village there are also many people with mental disorder"
However, based on interviews with several people in the residents said that several that people in Bongsren often in conflict with either the husband or the partner causing her discomfort with one couple and ends with the number going Bongsren affair. As said by a women that  “it is usual matter fight and having a conflict with  husban, boyfriend or partner. All couples will experinced it,  but yeah it usually due to economic problems, education  fees of their children. Then, if you are not satisfied with your couples, or your husban, then it will be  affair"
Narrated also by residents that a few years ago there were people who had an affair and is known by people so that citizens must pay a tax to the Dukuh’s Master, for placed they where lived. In addition, people also told, that the economic problems is often an important factor in the conflict of house of family let alone the cost of the education of children and family needs must also be met causing a lot of families that do not have good coping skills for dealing with problems in daily life days.
While one of the boys Bongsren said that young people in the Dusun Bongsren having the average of all education to high school / vocational school, most of which have graduated high school went to work and migrate to Jakarta Bekasi, Bandung and especially Tasik, but others who are economically able to continue study, they are entering  to the college. However, it also said that there are some people in Bongsren on RT 04 that having poor social interation in community, it is explained that they rarely out from house and rarely contact with their peers. As said before  "the youngster usually went to other city to look for jobs, like to  Jakarta, Bandung, and Tasik. It’s because there were many factories in that cities. They get the  informations from their friends who has settled down in those cities. More of us are Senior high school graduated, because we dont have enough  money to entering collages.” It is said also that some of their  friends having psychiatric disorders due to economic problems and issues that eventually lose her boyfriend, they are out of school and do not have a definite activity to date.

E.     FGD (Focus Group Discussion)

FGD (Focus Group Discussion) is a research method by Irwanto (1988:1) is defined as "a process of collecting information on a very specific issues through group discussion". In other words FGD is a process of gathering information and not through the interview, rather than the individual, and not a free discussion without any specific topic. FGD methods including qualitative methods.
Based on the FGD by women’s volunteer called Dasa Wisma it was explained that in general Bongsren basically good and reasonable, but in recent years the problem of infidelity is often the case in Bongsren. This condition sometimes triggered by domestic problems motivated by economic factors that led to the relationship between the couple became strained. Residents also describes some of the problems associated with mental health of its citizens, among others, was one of the residents at RT 01 who experience mental disorders due to problems with his brother and causing dropouts.
As quoted below "in our village we live without any big problems. It is  quite peacefull, if there is one or two people with  mental disorder, it is  because they come from poor family, and  not well educated. They usully act like to look for other’s attention, like running around village and screams "While saying that the existing poeple with mental disorder in RT 03 who have psychological problems as described below "yes, it is true, in RT.03, but I can remember the name?she commite suicide by plunging in wells, already twice it actually, but it is helped by husban then, she’s survived finally "—“ while in RT 04, a 21-year-old should attend the special school, but his parents are forbidden to attend school for reasons of shame when children attend special schools, but his son has the will and desire to go to school, so that children do not get proper education and socially isolated and have no friends"  
Another problem is explained that in RT 05, a young man who suffered a nervous breakdown due to reasons not to be married with her choice and then decided to help her mother, who until now rarely go out and just do the activity in the house just like the previously disclosed  "it because his realtionship broke by his girlfriend, then he is depressed, the problems seems as prohibited marriage and untill " The same thing happened in RT 07 a girl who also had a psychiatric disorder which caused problems because it was rejected by the man she likes, "In  RT 07 there was girl broken heart, when the man she like is getting married  she going  crazy. She can not accept the reality" Added another "for those who seek treatment, it just going to the hospital,  there is no psychological assistance from the officer or doctor. If the depressed man or woman is going insane, usually going to Grasia hospital"
Based on the results of asessmen has been done through observation, interviews and focus group discussions it can be concluded that the formulation of the problem is:
v  heterogeneous citizens Bongsren when viewed from the side of education was not accompanied by an increase of information and mental health services for their own people. So that the necessary effort how to make people have a basic knowledge in advance about mental health issues.
v  coping skills are still low on society when faced with pressing situations in everyday life. So that the necessary interventions to provide coping skills for the community.


Basically psikoedukasi intervention is selected in the type of mental health counseling for the Ngaran and Bongsren the practice area. According to Nelson- Jones (in Supratiknya, 2008) The reason for the use of this method is seen from the strong interest among psychologists and counselors to develop the field physco education or personal-social education:
1.        Country-developed countries are not available and never will be available personnel, including paraprofessionals psychologist-counselor in amounts sufficient to meet community needs for psychological services individually. Nelson - Jones also added that the community needs to be prepared to understand and be able to apply the principles pasikologis alone in facing the challenges of daily life.
2.        In the past too much time and energy devoted to the psikoliog-counselors to provide remedial services for small groups of people in particular through the provision of individual counseling services within the practice of psychology, it caused only economic upper class society that can feel psychological services. Thus the demand to equalize the provision of psychological services for the wider community.
3.        The growing awareness among psychologist-counselor increasingly need to provide preventive and preventive (prophylactic) and developmental for many groups of citizens living in various settings.
4.        Accountability. In principle says that the greater the results or benefits that can be derived from certain costs incurred to carry out certain activities, the more accountable the one activity. So if the psychologist-counselor is then just sit passively waiting for clients to come indoors requested remedial counseling, efforts are less accountable than if the psychologist-counselor pro-active in field service. physco education within the Community
Among the counseling profession in the United States known for a number of areas of specialization include: career counseling, college counseling, community counseling, marriage and family counseling, mental health counseling, rehabilitation counseling, school koseling, addiction counseling or addiction, counseling, job placement, counseling offenders. Among the various specialties, the most difficult community counseling supposedly defined boundaries (Hershenson, Power & Waldo, 1996).
More specifically, there are a number of characteristics that is used as a delimiter field community service koseling (Hershenson, Power & Waldo, 1996):
a.       Services were held in a community agency or community institutions such as mosques, churches, PKK; essentially not schools or industry.
b.      Intervention focused on issues of community life, not as individual problems or family.
c.       Service is proactive in the sense of preventive-developmental, multifaceted or touching various aspects of the client's needs, contextual, and empowering, and
d.      Aiming to develop a variety of skills related to efforts to build a community metal health.
In the United States, the community counseling services are quite important include the following institutions ((Hershenson, Power & Waldo, 1996). Firstly, mental health centers, community. Institute is typically prioritizes the provision of the following services
  1. Primary preventation or early prevention, aims to help groups or individuals deemed at high risk for behavioral disorders.
  2. Crisis interventation or mentoring face or cope with crisis situations.
  3. Consulting services, usually in the form of assistance to establish contact and consultation with the public service institutions, such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers drug abuse, and so forth
  4. Remediation and rehabilitation services, including measures of diagnosis and treatment of various types of mental disorders
  5. Physco education services, especially the provision of information and training in various skills towards improving mental health.

Counseling (giving physco education) about mental health in general and socialize Clinical Psychologist role in the psychological problems people seharai-day for the purpose of understanding and knowledge of mental health as a way to prevent problems in the psychological and psychiatric of Dusun Bongsren. The materials presented are:
a.       Provide an explanation of the notion of mental health
b.      Provide an explanation of the characteristics of a mentally healthy person
c.       Provide an explanation of the matter "psychosomatic" consisting of psychosomatic sense, the occurrence of psychosomatic physical symptoms arising from psychosomatic and ways to prevent spikosomatis
d.      Provide an explanation of the matter, namely psychological illness due to stress anxiety and depression), the factors that cause stress, signs of stress, how to prevent and how to manage emotional stress due to stress
e.       Provide an explanation of the role of clinical psychologists in the community.
f.       Provide information that will need real efforts in a holistic health are physical health, mental, social and spiritual society can be achieved by role of paramedics, doctors, nurses, psychologists, village, community, and society itself.

1)                  Woman Organization of PKK in Dusun Bongsren
Physco education and extension materials on Mental Health held on Sunday, June 10, 2011 at the ECD Multipurpose Hall of Bongsren at 15:00  pm. At the beginning of this meeting is a meeting of PKK Bongsren, gathering will be held. But after a discussion with his own PKK cadres of intent and our goal, we finally are given the time to fill out this physco education program. The target group of the planned 40 people, but attending this physco education program totaling 26 people, meaning about 65% of these interventions can be quite successful.
2)      Men Oganizations of Bongsren Kring I
Physco education and extension materials on Mental Health was held on Thursday, June 14, 2011 at home Mr Sugiyo at 20:00 to 23:00 pm. At the beginning of this meeting is a regular meeting gentlemen Bongsren Hamlet residents are tring I will hold discussions on mutual assistance and siskamling event. However, after discussions with  the member of organisation our goals and purpose, ultimately we are given the time to fill out this physco education event. The target group of 50 people who planned to attend, but who attended physco education numbering 28 people, meaning about 56% of these interventions can be quite successful in attracting interest of the citizens.
3)      Youth and women Hamlet Bongsren
Physco education and extension of matter for youth Bongsren Mental Health was held on Saturday, July 7, 2011 at 20:00 to 21:30 pm. At the beginning of this meeting is a regular meeting of Bongsren youth’s organization who will hold a meeting before the month of Ramadan. However, after discussion with the Chairman of young organization our goals and purpose, ultimately we are given the time to fill out this physco education event. The target group of about 50 people who planned to attend, but who attended physco education numbering 20 people, meaning about 40% haya intervention can be said to be quite successful in attracting youth.
Based on the results physco education  mental health interventions that have been done, it can be concluded that most of the people especially the aged Bongsren adult and youth after being given physco education quite have a good understanding of mental health and mental state, especially for themselves and their surroundings. Participants also learn the role of Clinical Psychologist in the community and access to psychological care what it looks like. This intervention also got a pretty good response as many people as given physco education have  direct awareness to consult about their problems. People are also some quite sensitive and sensitive to the issues surrounding environment. As for young people Bongsren after post test results obtained are mostly youths after being given physco education for mental health and giving them the new knowledge and true understanding of mental health information in order to create public health in a holistic manner.

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